Friday, July 20, 2012

Cake Pops Are Poppin'

Last year it was cupcake’s this time it’s CAKE POPS. They are POPPIN up everywhere and they taste amazing and look fantastic. There are two ways to make these yummy, little sweets but I prefer one over the other because it is better tasting. Some people buy a pan or machine called Bake Pops, or Cake Pops. This is not the original way.

The babycakes flip-over cake pop maker looks good, the machines work well. I know because I own  their cupcake machine. This is still not the true cake pop way.

Then there is the bake-pop.

I’m happy that this is not called a cake pop because its NOT a genuine cake pop.

A genuine cake pop is a creamy, soft, and smooth. The profound pioneer of this sweet is a woman who calls herself bakerella (her real name Angie Dudley). Her cake pop designs are well thought out and easy for home cooks.

She made a amazing way to make cake pop. The link to her website will show you how to make the cake pops and cake balls (cake balls).

She also has a cake pop book:

Bakerella also announced her new holiday cake pop book: CAKE POPS HOLIDAY!!!


1 comment:

  1. Cake pops are delicious! I never knew they had those waffle iron type things for them until now. The designs on the books are adorable.
